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Speed Devils Online Racing

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| Icon | Filename | VMI | VMS | Description |
| Speed Devils Online Racing | SPEEDONL.SYS | v30784.vmi | v30784.VMS | mad whips nah just kidding theres two and only one up grade needed to finish off the goliha |
| Speed Devils Online Racing | SPEEDONL.DAT | v65861.vmi | v65861.VMS | A b class with lots of cash. |
| Speed Devils Online Racing | SPEEDONL.DAT | v93076.vmi | v93076.VMS | Class B with 75,000. Full Blown "Duffinburg". |
| Speed Devils Online Racing | SPEEDONL.DAT | v21477.vmi | v21477.VMS | Class b a top car with almost 100 thousand |
| Speed Devils Online Racing | SPEEDONL.DAT | v6651.vmi | v6651.VMS | C class with top car with one add on and about 19 thousand dollars |

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