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Power Stone 2

VMU Saves

| Icon | Filename | VMI | VMS | Description |
| Power Stone 2 | P_STONE2_DAT | v48514.vmi | v48514.VMS | everything unlocked,all items, all characters! |
| Power Stone 2 | P_STONE2_DAT | v4427.vmi | v4427.VMS | all stages,itens,mel and pride and very $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ |
| Power Stone 2 | P_STONE2_DAT | v13088.vmi | v13088.VMS | Para a versao japoneza com dois personagens secretos e viva ao Brasil!!! |
| Power Stone 2 | P_STONE2_DAT | v28372.vmi | v28372.VMS | All bonus levels, pride, mel, and all bonus options unlocked. |
| Power Stone 2 | P_STONE2_DAT | v3876.vmi | v3876.VMS | Over 110 items, extra stages 1,2,3extra characters pride and mel,all texts. |
| Power Stone 2 | P_STONE2_DAT | v77729.vmi | v77729.VMS | I have every thing in the game complete with all items 99 and over twenty million saved up. |
| Power Stone 2 | P_STONE2_DAT | v83431.vmi | v83431.VMS | All characters and all items. |
| Power Stone 2 | P_STONE2_DAT | v20786.vmi | v20786.VMS | Good save. It has 110 items and all materials. I have extra stage 1 and I have both of the secret Characters. |
| Power Stone 2 | P_STONE2_DAT | v23004.vmi | v23004.VMS | All characters,items,stages and….. gold points |
| Power Stone 2 | P_STONE2_DAT | v61589.vmi | v61589.VMS | All characters, sercets, and stages avilible. |
| Power Stone 2 | P_STONE2_DAT | v74828.vmi | v74828.VMS | 85 items all characters all boards |
| Power Stone 2 | P_STONE2_DAT | v63191.vmi | v63191.VMS | [Japanese Version] All charactors and levels unlocked. |
| Power Stone 2 | P_STONE2_DAT | v99484.vmi | v99484.VMS | [Japanese Version] All the characters, stages, and items.Plus a lot of money! |
| Power Stone 2 | P_STONE2_DAT | v67990.vmi | v67990.VMS | Every single thing unlocked all three extra boards all characters all items all essence and material. |
| Power Stone 2 | P_STONE2_DAT | v59109.vmi | v59109.VMS | Everything unlocked except for one item. |
| Power Stone 2 | P_STONE2_DAT | v56529.vmi | v56529.VMS | All characters, all stages, and alot of items |
| Power Stone 2 | P_STONE2_DAT | PSTONE2.VMI | PSTONE2.VMS | Perfect Save! All secret open! |

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