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VMU Mini Games

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| Icon | Filename | VMI | VMS | Description |
| VMU Mini Games | GAME_4WINS | 4WINS.VMI | 4WINS.VMS | 4 Wins: You all know the principle of 4 wins: 2 players put chips into several columns. The chips fall down, the first player who got at least 4 of his chips in a row(diagonal, vertical or horizontal) wins. |
| VMU Mini Games | ALIENFIGHTER | ALNFIGHT.VMI | ALNFIGHT.VMS | Alien Fighter: This game is a vertical scrolling shooter. You have to move your ship through tight passages, destroy cannons, ships and avoid bombs. Included are 4 levels of action. |
| VMU Mini Games | FATRAIN | FATRAIN.VMI | FATRAIN.VMS | Fat Rain: Big Joce is sitting in the background and spits several sweets and bombs. You control a little man at the bottom and have to catch the sweets (not the bombs!) before they fell at the bottom. |
| VMU Mini Games | GLUCKYLABY | GLUCKY.VMI | GLUCKY.VMS | Glucky Labyrinth: You are stuck in a building of several floors with each floor being a labyrinth of corridors. What you have to do is, find the exit of each labyrint to the next floor unti you reach the top. There are maps to find for each floor. |
| VMU Mini Games | IDO | IDOUDO.VMI | IDOUDO.VMS | I do, U do: I simon says style game for the dreamcast VMU. |
| VMU Mini Games | SPACEINV | SI.VMI | SI.VMS | Space Invaders: Aliens are invading our solar system and you are earth's only hope. |
| VMU Mini Games | LOGIC | LOGIC.VMI | LOGIC.VMS | Logic: A very short game. No sound or savegame support. No menu and playing instructions. |
| VMU Mini Games | MINESWEEPER | MINE.VMI | MINE.VMS | Minesweeper: An adaption of the classic minesweeper game for the VM. You got a board with 5x6 hidden fields. At the beginning, you can choose how many bombs(2-9) are hidden in the board. You have to open all fields, except the ones holding bombs. |
| VMU Mini Games | PACMAN | PACMAN.VMI | PACMAN.VMS | VMU Mini Pacman: The classic PACMAN. You, beeing a hungry spot, have to eat through 2D labyrints and avoid ghosts. Hidden passages, special items make it very exciting. |
| VMU Mini Games | PAPER | PAPER.VMI | PAPER.VMS | Paper Attack: A horizontal scrolling shooter. You can move your ship up and down and fire at flying rocks or bomb all out of the screen(limited amount). |
| VMU Mini Games | POWERSTONE | POWERSTN.VMI | POWERSTN.VMS | Powerstone mini, by Capcom. |
| VMU Mini Games | SOULCALIBUR | SCALIBU.VMI | SCALIBU.VMS | SoulCalibur, by Namco. A collection of 3 nice minigames. |
| VMU Mini Games | SKETCH | SKETCH.VMI | SKETCH.VMS | VM-a-Sketch: Sorry, but I don't know what this game is about. Those who know Etch-a-Sketch or what will be able to use it. Seems somewhat similar to snake. |
| VMU Mini Games | SLIDEPUZZLE | SLIDEPUZ.VMI | SLIDEPUZ.VMS | Slidepuzzle: The classic slide puzzle game you all might know. A board with 4x6 fields with numbers of the wrong number need to be slided in the right order. One field is empty, to allow sliding. |
| VMU Mini Games | SNAKY | SNAKY.VMI | SNAKY.VMS | Snaky: An adaption of the classic game snake. You have to move the snake to not let it touch a wall or itself. The snake gets longer and longer. Several levels with increasing difficulty. |
| VMU Mini Games | SOUND_DEMO_1 | SOUND.VMI | SOUND.VMS | Sound Demo v1.0: Let's you generate all tones that the VMS can do. Explains the sound generation possibilities. |
| VMU Mini Games | SWAMPY | SWAMPY.VMI | SWAMPY.VMS | Swampy: This is a tricky game. Imagine having a set of stones laying on the ground. Starting on one stone you have to jump on every other stone exact one time. You can only jump to neighbor stones. Lots of levels are included. |
| VMU Mini Games | TETRIS | TETRIS.VMI | TETRIS.VMS | Tiny Tetris: The classic game tetris! Several types of block are falling from the top. You can turn them and move them to the left or right. The goal is to not let the screen fill up with block. One line disappears, when it's totally black. |
| VMU Mini Games | DEMOMOVIE | DANGELO.VMI | DANGELO.VMS | D'Angelo music video. really an amazing video, captured from the music video "Untitled" by D'Angelo. |
| VMU Mini Games | DEMOMOVIE | E0.VMI | E0.VMS | Enemy Zero training video. Yes, see me killing the first alien of E0's training! Not suited for VM that much like the videos above. |
| VMU Mini Games | GREYSCALE | GREY.VMI | GREY.VMS | fotoshow. A demo showing the power of the greyscale extension for B-movie;)v1.x. You won't believe to see this on VM! Images are not displayed just black and white, it's an attempt to make images more foto-realistic. |
| VMU Mini Games | DEMOMOVIE | MICHAEL.VMI | MICHAEL.VMS | Michael Jackson music video. also very cool, captured from the music video "You rock my world" by Michael Jackson. |
| VMU Mini Games | DEMOMOVIE | PROMO.VMI | PROMO.VMS | promotion video. introduces some features of B-movie;) compression. |
| VMU Mini Games | DEMOMOVIE | RISE.VMI | RISE.VMS | sun & moon rise. Nothing to add to the title. Also made with Flash. B-movie;)v1.2 |
| VMU Mini Games | DEMOMOVIE | CIRCLES.VMI | CIRCLES.VMS | circles. Nothing special, just used Flash to make this movie. B-movie;)v1.2 |
| VMU Mini Games | DC_ANIM.EXE | 00003831.VMI | 00003831.VMS | Alien Shooter. Author: Loren Peace |
| VMU Mini Games | DC_ANIM.EXE | 00006003.VMI | 00006003.VMS | Dragon Ball Z. Author: Brian Siklinski |
| VMU Mini Games | DC_ANIM.EXE | 00003096.VMI | 00003096.VMS | Kill Hyman. Author: Loren Peace |
| VMU Mini Games | DC_ANIM.EXE | 00003910.VMI | 00003910.VMS | Lightsabre Battle. Author: Ryan J |
| VMU Mini Games | DC_ANIM.EXE | 00004662.VMI | 00004662.VMS | Neko 2.2. Author: Unknown |
| VMU Mini Games | DC_ANIM.EXE | 00004276.VMI | 00004276.VMS | Simon/Bryan. Author: Bryan Crow |
| VMU Mini Games | DC_ANIM.EXE | 00003291.VMI | 00003291.VMS | Star Wars. Author: Ryan Jordan |
| VMU Mini Games | DC_ANIM.EXE | 00001870.VMI | 00001870.VMS | Supercross VMU. Author: Unknown |
| VMU Mini Games | DC_ANIM.EXE | 00004271.VMI | 00004271.VMS | VMU Fighter. Author: Unknown |
| VMU Mini Games | SHENMUE | 4001.VMI | 4001.VMS | Shenmue mini game. |
| VMU Mini Games | SEGA_GT | 4004.VMI | 4004.VMS | SEGA GT mini game. |
| VMU Mini Games | M_VS_C2 | 4007.VMI | 4007.VMS | Marvel vs. Capcom 2 mini game. |
| VMU Mini Games | POWSTONE2JP | 4008.VMI | 4008.VMS | Power Stone 2 mini game, japanese version. |
| VMU Mini Games | GODZILLA | GODZILLA.VMI | GODZILLA.VMS | Godzilla mini game by SEGA. |
| VMU Mini Games | CHAOEDIT2 | CHAO2.VMI | CHAO2.VMS | Chao Editor 2 by Tyro. |
| VMU Mini Games | CHAOEDIT | CHAOEDIT.VMI | CHAOEDIT.VMS | Chao Editor by Tyro. |
| VMU Mini Games | D_RACER | DRACER.VMI | DRACER.VMS | Dream Racer. |
| VMU Mini Games | FROG | FROG.VMI | FROG.VMS | Frog in a blender. |
| VMU Mini Games | FREAKSKATE | FSKATER.VMI | FSKATER.VMS | Freak Skater |
| VMU Mini Games | JOJOPROB | JOJO.VMI | JOJO.VMS | Jojo's Problem |
| VMU Mini Games | HELLO_KITTY | KITTYCAT.VMI | KITTYCAT.VMS | Hello Kitty mini game. |
| VMU Mini Games | LIN_WATCH | MINICLOC.VMI | MINICLOC.VMS | Linear's Watch. |
| VMU Mini Games | POPMUSIC1 | POPMUSI1.VMI | POPMUSI1.VMS | Pop n Music Vol 1 mini game. |
| VMU Mini Games | POPMUSIC2 | POPMUSI2.VMI | POPMUSI2.VMS | Pop n Music Vol 2 mini game. |
| VMU Mini Games | POPMUSIC3 | POPMUSI3.VMI | POPMUSI3.VMS | Pop n Music Vol 3 mini game. |
| VMU Mini Games | PSOIDCALC | PSOID.VMI | PSOID.VMS | PSO ID Calculator |
| VMU Mini Games | SPUZZLE | PSOPUZZL.VMI | PSOPUZZL.VMS | PSO Slide Puzzle. |
| VMU Mini Games | SOULC2ADV | SOUL2ADV.VMI | SOUL2ADV.VMS | Soul Calibur 2 Adventure mini game by Namco. |
| VMU Mini Games | TOKYOCAR | TOKYOCAR.VMI | TOKYOCAR.VMS | Tokyo Car race. |
| VMU Mini Games | VMUVISION | VISION1.VMI | VISION1.VMS | VMU Vision by Tyro. |
| VMU Mini Games | CHAO_ADV | VMFL073.VMI | VMFL073.VMS | Chao Adventure by SEGA. |
| VMU Mini Games | TECHROMANCER | VMFL081.VMI | VMFL081.VMS | Tech Romancer mini game. |
| VMU Mini Games | CLIMAX | VMFL084.VMI | VMFL084.VMS | Climax Landers mini game. |
| VMU Mini Games | WHEREBRUCE | VMWBP.VMI | VMWBP.VMS | Where's Bruce? |
| VMU Mini Games | FOOTBALL | ZUQIU.VMI | ZUQIU.VMS | VMU Football mini game. |
| VMU Mini Games | CARDCAPTOR | SCCBRK.VMI | SCCBRK.VMS | Sakura Card Captors Breakout mini game. |
| VMU Mini Games | FASTNFURIOUS | FASTFURI.VMI | FASTFURI.VMS | The Fast and the Furious vmu animation by Kalin Krastev |
| VMU Mini Games | MATRIXRELOAD | MATRXRLD.VMI | MATRXRLD.VMS | Matrix Reloaded vmu animation by Kalin Krastev |
| VMU Mini Games | S.ARCADIA_VM | PQNTSC.VMI | PQNTSC.VMS | Skies of Arcadia Pinta's Quest (NTSC). Map 100% open, level 1. |
| VMU Mini Games | S.ARCADIA_VM | PQPAL.VMI | PQPAL.VMS | Skies of Arcadia Pinta's Quest (PAL). Map 20% open, level 1. |
| VMU Mini Games | S.ARCADIA_VM | SOAMINI.VMI | SOAMINI.VMS | Skies of Arcadia mini game Pinta's Quest by SEGA |

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