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Test Drive Le Mans

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| Icon | Filename | VMI | VMS | Description |
| Test Drive Le Mans | TDLEMANS.OPT | v74387.vmi | v74387.VMS | todos modos abilitados todos carros todas fases |
| Test Drive Le Mans | TDLEMANS.001 | v21789.vmi | v21789.VMS | All unlocked and 20 hours into a 24hour LeMans race |
| Test Drive Le Mans | TDLEMANS.001 | v49179.vmi | v49179.VMS | Todas las pistas, todos los autos desbloqueados.Faltan 5 minutos para completar las 24hs de Le Mans.Trata de batir los tiempos. |
| Test Drive Le Mans | TDLEMANS.001 | v62691.vmi | v62691.VMS | tudo de tudo completo. com 23 horasda corrida de 24 horas completo,e 11 voltas na frente do segundode valor a seu pais!!! |
| Test Drive Le Mans | TDLEMANS.OPT | v6000.vmi | v6000.VMS | All cars opened, all tracks opened. Everything complete! |
| Test Drive Le Mans | TDLEMANS.001 | v35838.vmi | v35838.VMS | On the final lap of the 24hr Le Mans race using the Jaguar prototype. 3 laps ahead of the 2nd place car. Easy finish! |
| Test Drive Le Mans | TDLEMANS.001 | v16699.vmi | v16699.VMS | All time trails, quickraces, and championships completed. |
| Test Drive Le Mans | TDLEMANS.001 | v42683.vmi | v42683.VMS | 15 Hours into a 24hour race Expert mode. Everything unlocked. |
| Test Drive Le Mans | TDLEMANS.OPT | v38692.vmi | v38692.VMS | All quick races won, all but one championship race won. |
| Test Drive Le Mans | TDLEMANS.OPT | v36820.vmi | v36820.VMS | All tracks, all but two championshipscompleted, time trials almost complete.Many unlocked cars. |
| Test Drive Le Mans | TDLEMANS.001 | v40738.vmi | v40738.VMS | 24 hours complete. All game modes complete, all cars. |
| Test Drive Le Mans | TDLEMANS.001 | v73041.vmi | v73041.VMS | 41 carros disponiveis, todas as pistas e todos os modos completados modo 24,06,01 e 10 minutos completados, feitos pelo pH DO BRASIL>feitos pe. |
| Test Drive Le Mans | TDLEMANS.OPT | v8626.vmi | v8626.VMS | All races finished eccept the real 24hour Le mans race. |
| Test Drive Le Mans | TDLEMANS.001 | v70785.vmi | v70785.VMS | Part 3 the last of the saved game files. This should be all you need to have all but 2 of the cars in the game. |
| Test Drive Le Mans | TDLEMANS.001 | v36893.vmi | v36893.VMS | All track and cars unlocked even all the time trial race are beaten, The only cars that aren't gotten is the 24 hour race cars. enjoy!! |
| Test Drive Le Mans | TDLEMANS.OPT | v13162.vmi | v13162.VMS | All quick race and championships unlocked…3 of 10 time trials completed…10min and 1hr le man's completed…21 cars available, all tracks… |
| Test Drive Le Mans | LEMANS24.OPT | v31243.vmi | v31243.VMS | Loads of cars and tracks 4 hours into 24 hour race Please download both saves Part 1 of 2 |
| Test Drive Le Mans | LEMANS24.001 | v82547.vmi | v82547.VMS | Loads of cars and tracks. 4 hours into 24 hour race. Part 2 of 2 |
| Test Drive Le Mans | TDLEMANS.OPT | v72767.vmi | v72767.VMS | Some tracks a few extra cars and Uncle Chuckie and Hensley modes. |
| Test Drive Le Mans | TDLEMANS.OPT | v8375.vmi | v8375.VMS | All races in quick race mode finished! Jaguar unlocked |
| Test Drive Le Mans | TDLEMANS.OPT | v91547.vmi | v91547.VMS | All the tracks plus several cars unlocked. |
| Test Drive Le Mans | LEMANS24.OPT | LEMANS24.VMI | LEMANS24.VMS | All unlocked. |

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