Giga Wing 2
VMU Saves
| Icon | Filename | VMI | VMS | Description |
| | GIGAWING2_SV | v499.vmi | v499.VMS | tudo 100%.eder rules!!!!!! |
| | GIGAWING2_SV | v73350.vmi | v73350.VMS | O jogo esta 100% completo ! Todossecretos liberados….eo rankingimpossivel de vc superar…tente ! RAMONES MANDA !!! |
| | GIGAWING2SAV | v58396.vmi | v58396.VMS | it has every ship,all artworkbolth code save i GUARNTE!!! |
| | GIGAWING2SAV | v36524.vmi | v36524.VMS | Almost all finished…I have 4 upgraded planes, all artwork, and "character event mode off".You still need 1 plane (get with Albatross), and the other special option (unlock by getting more points). |
| | GIGAWING2SAV | v29890.vmi | v29890.VMS | It's about 80% done. lost of gallery pic's open. you should enjoy. |
| | GIGAWING2_SV | GIGAWIN2.VMI | GIGAWIN2.VMS | Perfect Save! All Secret Open! |