Crazy Taxi 2
VMU Saves
| Icon | Filename | VMI | VMS | Description |
| | C_TAXI02.SYS | v69916.vmi | v69916.VMS | most stuff unlocked |
| | C_TAXI02.SYS | v91142.vmi | v91142.VMS | every thing unlocked. pyramid complet old cabbies..crazy cat cabbie unlocked |
| | C_TAXI02.SYS | v94843.vmi | v94843.VMS | Game 99% completo,faltando apenas a ultima fase da crazy piramid. Possui carrinho de bebe e bike selecionaveis. |
| | C_TAXI02.SYS | v9346.vmi | v9346.VMS | I got everything in the game,plus the saves off the website. All drivers, all cabs,and some crazy records. |
| | C_TAXI02.SYS | v51513.vmi | v51513.VMS | This game is 100% complete. San Francisco cabbies & all other vehicles unlocked. Crazy Pyramid cleared. Unbeatable records. Awesome licsense. |
| | C_TAXI02.SYS | v22908.vmi | v22908.VMS | This game save has every thing and some unbeatable scores like 1966.00 on crazy golf and 14 sec. on crazy drop. |
| | C_TAXI02.SYS | v55580.vmi | v55580.VMS | Todos os taxistas do crazy taxi 1, carros secretos, crazy pyramid completa, CRAZY LICENSE alcancada acima de 30.000 no around apple. |
| | C_TAXI02.SYS | v1869.vmi | v1869.VMS | Todas las piramydes terminadas y chequen los records para que vean que no es trucado ni nada. |
| | C_TAXI02.R00 | v43160.vmi | v43160.VMS | This is a replay of the golf hit in the crazy pyramid. totalfeet is 445. watch and enjoy. |
| | C_TAXI02.SYS | v70722.vmi | v70722.VMS | ae caras tenho um desafio para voces tiren meu recorde se foream capais 100% do jogo todos taxistas e carros secretos |
| | C_TAXI02.SYS | v26222.vmi | v26222.VMS | All 4 cabbies from crazy taxi 1 unlocked, crazy pyramid completed, Crazy license reached on around apple. |
| | C_TAXI02.SYS | v74510.vmi | v74510.VMS | 100% completo, tente bater meu100% completo,tente bater meu record no around apple, ja que tirei o record do Roko(Brazilian Team) logo na primeira jogada. |
| | C_TAXI02.SYS | v78872.vmi | v78872.VMS | Crazy Pyramide completed, all old cabbies and secret vehicles unlocked.CRAZY LICENSE on small and around apple . |
| | C_TAXI02.SYS | v3135.vmi | v3135.VMS | 100% do joga aberto todos os taxistas piramid mode completa tire meu record se for capas. |
| | C_TAXI02.SYS | v69153.vmi | v69153.VMS | All characters from crazy taxi 1 unlocked, crazy pyramid unlocked, big awesome license records. |
| | C_TAXI02.SYS | v62993.vmi | v62993.VMS | Crazy pyramide complete new and old crazy drivers bike and baby car unlocked around apple,small apple maps unlocked and big scores. |
| | C_TAXI02.SYS | v90467.vmi | v90467.VMS | All the tests from the pyramid completed, all maps, all vehicles and the 4 cabbies from crazy taxi 1. |
| | C_TAXI02.SYS | v86957.vmi | v86957.VMS | All secret vehicles and cabbies unlocked.Crazy Pyramid Finished.Awesome License reached on Around Apple |
| | C_TAXI02.SYS | v72153.vmi | v72153.VMS | Crazy pyramid completed and 4 characters unlocked. |
| | C_TAXI02.SYS | v13458.vmi | v13458.VMS | Crazy Pyramid completed. Bike, baby Stroller, both maps,and old cabbies open.Records beat on bottom row of Pyramid. Best license so far is only Son Around Apple, but that willchange, soon. |
| | C_TAXI02.SYS | ctaxi2.VMI | ctaxi2.VMS | Perfect save! Everything unlocked! |