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Speed Devils

VMU Saves

| Icon | Filename | VMI | VMS | Description |
| Speed Devils | SPEEDDEV.DAT | v1227.vmi | v1227.VMS | Lots of money, have Driver X carplus 3 more to chose from, Firebug,Solaro, and Twister in Class S. |
| Speed Devils | SPEEDDEV.DAT | v86819.vmi | v86819.VMS | Over 1.5 million and I have the Mystery Car…won from driver x, now in tha S class. Still have the first car you start with in tha game. Have 4 cars with Radar Jammer, nitro (18 shots), armor, and all tires. |
| Speed Devils | SPEEDDEV.DAT | v20949.vmi | v20949.VMS | Class S, Millions of$$, LA 2000 fully loaded, driver x dead! |
| Speed Devils | SPEEDDEV.SYS | v95612.vmi | v95612.VMS | Ultimate save all cars and tracks unlocked.Mystere unlocked in chamionship mode |
| Speed Devils | SPEEDDEV.DAT | v9901.vmi | v9901.VMS | data file…radar jammer,armor,nitro availiabletwo out of three cars that I have are equipped with nitroin class A not finished with class yetdo not have the banner for class c mexico track.if you want to earn the money instead of it being given |
| Speed Devils | SPEEDDEV.DAT | v28307.vmi | v28307.VMS | All classes, more than 2,000,000, and the mystery car unlocked. |
| Speed Devils | SPEEDDEV.DAT | v24161.vmi | v24161.VMS | its about having it all. |
| Speed Devils | SPEEDDEV.DAT | 00000490.vmi | 00000490.VMS | Speed Devils Data File with all four classes open, all cars except Mystere purchased, level #2 acceleration, speed, brakes, nitro, armor, and radar jammer, most trophies and banners won, minimum of $500,000 cash per class. |

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