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Red Dog: Superior Fire Power

VMU Saves

| Icon | Filename | VMI | VMS | Description |
| Red Dog: Superior Fire Power | RED_DOG__SYS | v64962.vmi | v64962.VMS | 100% complete. All maps unlocked. |
| Red Dog: Superior Fire Power | RED_DOG__SYS | v5415.vmi | v5415.VMS | Start of 4 level. |
| Red Dog: Superior Fire Power | RED_DOG__SYS | v21793.vmi | v21793.VMS | last stage |
| Red Dog: Superior Fire Power | RED_DOG__SYS | v96318.vmi | v96318.VMS | It's not that far into Red-Dog. First level beat,and the first mission beat. It's not much, but No one else has red-dog up yet. |

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