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Fighting Force 2

VMU Saves

| Icon | Filename | VMI | VMS | Description |
| Fighting Force 2 | F_FORCE2.000 | v3810.vmi | v3810.VMS | Level 3 with 4 saves |
| Fighting Force 2 | F_FORCE2.000 | v94821.vmi | v94821.VMS | Level 8 after the polar base 1 continue |
| Fighting Force 2 | F_FORCE2.000 | v57411.vmi | v57411.VMS | Start at the Polar Base with 5 continues and about 2000 pts. from another continue. |
| Fighting Force 2 | F_FORCE2.000 | v72061.vmi | v72061.VMS | First level beaten with 4 continues. |

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